Monday, July 27, 2015

Common Reasons of Alcoholism in Adults and How Detox Centers Can Help

According to the American Psychological Association, the amount of alcohol that is classified as “moderate intake” is only 0.5 ounces, which is equivalent to 5 ounces of wine, 12 ounces of beer or 1.5 ounces of spirits. Anything beyond this already puts the person at risk of alcoholism or alcohol use disorder (AUD). A survey by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) found that one in 12 American adults is an alcoholic or alcohol abuser; that means they are regularly consuming more than the recommended amount. Unfortunately, NIAAA also found that the individuals most vulnerable to developing this problem are young adults aged 18 to 29.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Alcohol Treatment in San Diego: How a Person Becomes an Alcoholic

Like drug addiction, alcoholism doesn’t happen overnight. It begins with drinking problems or the inability to control one’s alcohol intake before it progresses to alcohol abuse. Binge drinking is a pattern of consuming more than four to five drinks in a row. Common among teenagers and young adults, binge drinkers are more vulnerable to developing alcoholism because the more they drink, the more tolerant their bodies become to excessive levels of alcohol. Repeated DUI arrests, relationship problems and poor work performance are common signs that the drinking problem has worsened into abuse.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Many Benefits of Undergoing an Inpatient Drug Rehab Treatment

Prescription drug abuse is, and remains to be, among the top health concerns nationwide, with over thousands of people dying from drug overdose every year. Though as of 2013, California has the 15th lowest mortality rate related to drug overdose in the United States, the fact remains that drug abuse is a worrying problem everywhere. If you know a loved one who’s currently facing drug addiction or you are having drug problems yourself, there are numerous options that can help curb this problem, and among them are inpatient drug rehab treatments. Worried that you might get stuck in an unappealing and frigid facility? Then you ought to know that when you consult companies like Stark Behavioral Health, which can assist you in finding the ideal residential program and rehab center, their staff works hard on locating a fully licensed center for you that is in a beautiful setting with an environment that nurtures wellness and promotes healing.

Get Help Now: Top Signs That You Need to Visit a Drug Rehab Center

Celebrities going in and out of rehab is an all too common topic of Hollywood news stories and online entertainment articles. What these write-ups don’t tell, however, are the difficulty and courage of these people, not only celebrities but everyone facing the same problems, to admit to themselves that they have a problem like drug addiction. Some people aren’t even aware that they are gradually spiraling into the dark world of drug addiction, while others who have already realized their problem try to face it on their own, to no avail. Whatever your case may be, here are the signs you have to watch out for that signifies that it’s time for you to go to a drug rehab center for help.